Mukhyamantri Ghasyari Kalyan Yojana Uttarakhand Online Apply 2024 | उत्तराखंड घसियारी कल्याण योजना ऑनलाइन आवेदन फॉर्म, सरकारी योजना अप्लाइ

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Mukhyamantri Ghasyari Kalyan Yojana Uttarakhand: The Uttarakhand government launched the Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana with the intention of promoting the well-being and welfare of women. In the mountains, daily living is difficult. In these intricate mountain environments, women have unique challenges. In addition to preparing meals at home, women in the hills assist men more when it comes to other farming and animal care duties.

Every day, despite all of these issues, hill women travel to far-off hills to gather grass. wherever they must deal with issues someplace. Uttarakhand Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana 2022 was launched by the Uttarakhand government in response to these issues facing women. The animals will get healthy food and fodder after signing up for this program. What are the benefits of this scheme and how may I qualify for it?

We will now provide you with a comprehensive explanation of the Uttarakhand Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana 2023, including its goals, advantages, features, eligibility requirements, and application process, through this article. See this article in full for all the facts you need to know about the Mukhyamantri Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana.

Mukhyamantri Ghasyari Kalyan Yojana Uttarakhand

Mukhyamantri Ghasyari Kalyan Yojana Uttarakhand Online Apply 2024 | उत्तराखंड घसियारी कल्याण योजना ऑनलाइन आवेदन फॉर्म, सरकारी योजना अप्लाइ

The Uttarakhand Chief Minister, Shri Trivendra Singh Rawat, launched this program to give cattle-rearing women in their areas—which are hilly—fodder. Women living in hilly regions won’t have to travel to the trees to gather fodder thanks to this plan. Women will now be given fodder in their own locations under the Mukhyamantri Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana, protecting them from accidents.

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The primary goal of launching this program is to empower the women living in the hilly regions to support themselves. Women will receive cheap fodder from the government. The government will set up centers to provide fodder under this strategy.

  • The government plans to open 7,771 centers in the state of Uttarakhand to offer feed.
  • Women would receive four from these centers at a cost of Rs 3 per kilogram.
  • The Uttarakhand Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana would lessen the strain on women’s shoulders and prevent them from becoming prey for wild animals.
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What is the meaning of Ghasiyari?

One word from the Pahari dialect (Hilly Language) is Ghasiyari. A woman who trims grass, We call Ghasiyari. Uttarakhand’s geographic location is extremely complicated. To harvest, women travel deep into the highlands. She chops it, raises it to her head, and takes it.

About Mukhyamantri Ghasyari Kalyan Yojana Uttarakhand

Friends, you have to know that the state of Uttarakhand is a hilly area. All of the remaining areas are hilly, except its two districts, Haridwar and Udham Singh Nagar. The majority of the state’s population is employed in agriculture. For this reason, the state government intends to directly link this program to 25 lakh families. The Uttarakhand Dairy Department’s data indicates that there are roughly 30 lakh milch animals in the state. Ten lakh cows and nineteen lakh buffaloes make up this number.

In Uttarakhand, a sizable portion of the populace is employed in animal husbandry. Because this is a hilly region, there isn’t much ground that can be farmed; the fields that are here are little and terraced. On the farm, it is not possible to grow animal feed due to the limited amount of agricultural area. Because of this, their only remaining option is to travel to the far-off mountains.

During the rainy season, the hills’ fodder is verdant and nutrient-rich; however, it dries up during other seasons. It is completely unnutritious for animals. That is the rationale behind the government’s introduction of this plan. Under the plan, wholesome fodder would be planted in Uttarakhand’s plains (Udham Singh Nagar and rural Haridwar). These are going to be machine-cut, sachet-packed, and distributed throughout Uttarakhand. In this system, the government will also provide subsidies.

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Mukhyamantri Ghasyari Kalyan Yojana Uttarakhand Highlights

Scheme NameMukhyamantri Ghasyari Kalyan Yojana Uttarakhand
Scheme Started ByShri Trivendra Singh Rawat (Uttarakhand Chief Minister)
Launched OnSeptember 2021
Declared OnFebruary 25th, 2021
ObjectiveEmpower the Women Living in the Hilly Regions
BenefitsWomen Will Receive Cheap Fodder From the Government
BeneficiariesWomen Living in Hilly Regions
categoryUttarakhand Scheme
Scheme Total Budget25 Cr.
Total Centers Open7,771 Centers
Official WebsiteNot Started Yet
Apply ModeOnline/ Offline
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Mukhyamantri Ghasyari Kalyan Yojana Uttarakhand Purpose

It is well known that women who raise cattle in rural, hilly locations must travel to various woodlands to get fodder for their animals. When they do this, they run the risk of being attacked by wild animals or suffering an accident. The Uttarakhand Chief Minister has introduced the Uttarakhand Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana with this challenge in mind. Women living in hilly regions will have access to fodder in their own communities thanks to this program. This scheme’s primary goal is to save these ladies from having to go to other woodlands in search of feed.

  • The primary goal of launching this program is to empower and enable women in the state.
  • Under the UK Mukhyamantri Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana, centers would be opened, women’s get fodder at a rate of ₹ 3 per kg.

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Mukhyamantri Ghasyari Kalyan Yojana Uttarakhand Benefits

We have already informed you about the issues that hill women endure. Not only will the issues women confront be addressed, but the animals will also have access to wholesome food. The following are specifics about the scheme’s many benefits:

  • Through the government’s Ghasiyari program, milch cows will have access to nutrient-rich feed.
  • The availability of nutrient-rich fodder will result in a notable increase in milk production in the state. as a result of which Uttarakhand’s rural residents’ income will rise. They will have a nice existence.
  • In Uttarakhand’s rural districts, animal feed would be sold in bags weighing between 25 and 30 kg.
  • Women’s living standards will rise as well. They will not be burdened with carrying grass from a faraway peak.
  • The keeping of animals in homes will be promoted. Children will be able to drink milk thanks to animal keeping.
  • Giving milk to kids will shield them from ailments brought on by starvation.
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Mukhyamantri Ghasyari Kalyan Yojana Uttarakhand Eligibility

  • The Ghasiyari plan is intended for Uttarakhand locals who are animal owners.
  • Native people from Uttarakhand who raise animals.
  • you must have dairy cattle.

Important Documents

The following paperwork is required if you wish to apply for the Ghasiyari Scheme and are an Uttarakhand native.

  • Aadhar card
  • Ration Card
  • bank Account Passbook
  • Mobile Number
  • Voter ID Card
  • Latest PP Size Photo

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How to Apply Mukhyamantri Ghasyari Kalyan Yojana Uttarakhand

State recipients who are interested in applying under this program will need to wait a bit. because this scheme’s debut has recently been announced by the government. The administration intends to launch this program in September. as soon as the government provides any information regarding the application process for the Uttarakhand Ghasiyari Kalyan Yojana.

In a same vein, we will provide you with comprehensive information regarding the application process under this through this post. If, up until that point, you have any questions or concerns about this program, please ask us by leaving a remark in the space provided below.

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